The ways in which we can assist you include:

Building your wealth outside Super environment

  • Finding solutions and options to achieve your investment objectives;
  • Looking for a better way to manage your cash flows, accelerate your home mortgage repayments your investment loan;
  • How to leverage safely;
  • Saving for your children’s education

Building your wealth within Super environment

It is never too late to save for your retirement.
There are 4 stages in which we look to work with you for the long term.


For a wealth builder

To get started today:

  • Talk to your employer about salary sacrifice. Not all employers offer salary sacrifice to their employees.
  • Discuss with our specialists on:
    • How to make additional super contributions;
    • How much additional contributions should you make;
    • Would you be better off if you make additional super contributions or pay off your home mortgage faster;
    • How do you consolidate & top up your super;
    • Women live longer than men in general and yet they retire with much less. How do you accelerate your contributions – catch-up strategies.

Planning for Retirement

Grow your super and protect your income stream to ensure that you won’t outlive your assets.

To get started today:

  • Work out an expense budget specific to the lifestyle you would like to have in retirement.
  • Discuss with our specialists on:
    • If the budget you have worked out is realistic? Have you included all items;
    • Comparing your current assets and expected income streams vs what would be required in your lifetime in today’s dollars;
    • How stable and regular are your various income steams;
    • Any inheritances and how to manage them;
    • What’s the income gap? How can you bridge it? What time frames have you set for yourself to achieve your goals;
    • How to structure a mix of investments (eg. % allocation in super & non-super environment, liquidity, flexibility, and income vs capital growth) that target above-inflation returns over a defined time frame;
    • Whether you can access partial age pension entitlements? What strategies may be considered to maximise government assistance;
    • How to manage investment risks, protect your nest egg and plan for a smoother ride in retirement.

Enjoying Retirement

A good number of retirees are spending more than they had planned in retirement. Overspending is not just an issue for younger people: rising costs of living the good life, unexpected medical expenses, taking care of an aged partner, treats for grandchildren. This is even if you are careful with your money.

To get started today:

  • Work out an expense budget specific to the lifestyle you would like to have in retirement.
  • Discuss with our specialists on:
    • How to protect and secure a regular income stream in retirement;
    • Investment options which may be considered if your family historically has longevity on your side;
    • How to achieve a balance between certainty and stability of an income stream vs a market-linked income stream;
    • What do I need to know if I wish to access aged care facilities? How should I re-structure my assets.

Intergenerational Wealth Transfer

Then there are those who wish to leave a legacy to the next generation or the one after. You wish to ensure that a certain portion of your assets get passed on to specific persons and /or you wish to ensure that your beneficiaries are protected. Additionally, you wish to set in place an arrangement on how you would like to manage and implement your financial, personal and medical needs in the event you are unable to do so yourself.

To get started today:

  • Work out a list of your current personal and financial assets, including your home, and the beneficiaries to whom you wish to include/exclude.
  • List your concerns and what you’d like to see happening to your assets and your business (if you own a business).
  • Discuss with our specialists on:
    • Whether or not you have included all the assets & liabilities in your balance sheet;
    • What is the most tax-effective way to distribute your assets amongst your listed beneficiaries;
    • Strategies that may be set in train to achieve your objectives;
    • Who is/are the party(ies) that you wish to nominate to execute your wishes;
    • Any special legal structures that may be considered to protect certain beneficiaries;
    • If you are a business owner, consider various aspects of succession planning and business re-structure, if appropriate.