We have to collect personal information from you in order to fully understand how we can ensure our services can  be tailored to meet your needs and objectives.  

We will only collect, maintain and use personal information about you if it is necessary for us to adequately  provide you the products and services you have requested, provide you with information about other products and  services offered by a member or representative of the SWU Group, or to meet our obligations under applicable  Laws [e.g. the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorist Financing Act (2006) (AML Act)]. If you wish to  acquire a financial product we will share necessary information to the issuer of the product.  

We are required to comply with all applicable privacy laws including the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and Australian  Privacy Principles. The detailed information that we receive from you is collected and stored according to the  principles and processes set out in our Privacy Policy. You may request it by calling 02 9211 0228.  

In certain circumstances it may be necessary that we disclose information to other parties, such as banks or other  financial institutions, insurers, product providers or mail houses. We are also permitted to disclose certain  information when required or authorised to do so by law. If you have concerns about the accuracy or completeness  of the information that we hold, or you have any concern about the privacy of information, you may request access to your personal information by contacting the SWU Group Privacy Officer on 02 9211 0228 or writing to:  

The SWU Group Privacy Officer  

PO Box 572 

Sans Souci NSW 2219

Please visit Personal Financial Service to find out more: https://personalfs.com.au/