Given ongoing global volatility driven by CoVid-19 and oil-price shocks, we would like to present our opinion on this situation. Ultimately, we need to define as investors whether or not the situation is an event or a trend. In this webinar, we will discuss both the medical and economic perspectives and our outlook for markets.
Date: 13th March 2020
Time: 6:00pm-6:45pm AEDT time
Presented by: Simon Wu (Chairman and Chief Financial Adviser) – SWU Group in Cantonese
You can register through the link below:
鑑於CoVid-19造成的全球動盪以及石油價格的衝擊,我們想就這種情況發表我們的看法。 最主要的是,我們需要為投資者將眼前的情況定義為單一事件還是趨勢。 在本網上研討會中,我們將討論醫學和經濟上的觀點以及我們市場前景的看法。
日期: 2020年3月13日
時間: 6:00pm-6:45pm 澳洲東部夏令時間
演講者:胡嘉龍先生(主席兼首席理財師)- 胡嘉龍集團將用廣東話演說